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Ibraimov A.l., Mirrakhimov М.М., Nazarenko S.A., Axenmd E.l., Akbanova G.A.
Human Genetics. 1982. V 60(1), 1-7.
DOI: 10.1007/BF00281253

A comparative study of frequencies and types of Q-polymorphic variants in seven autosome pairs (3, 4, 13-15, 21, and 22) was performed in three steppe Mongoloid populations of Central Asia (Kazakhs, Dunghans, Mongolians) and three highland Kirghiz populations of Pamir and Tien-Shan. The three steppe Mongoloid populations showed statistically significant homogeneity both in the frequency of Q-polymorphic variants and the distribution of homo- and heteromorphs, with complete agreement of observed frequencies with those theoretically predicted by the law of Hardy-Weinberg. Similar homogeneity was revealed in the three highland Kirghiz populations of Pamir and Tien-Shan. However, comparative analysis of highland and steppe Mongoloids revealed significant differences in the following variables: (1) mean number of Q variants per individual, 2.50 and 3.49 in the highland and steppe populations, respectively; (2) frequency of Q variants in 7 of the 12 autosomes studied; and (3) distribution of homo- and heteromorphs in four autosomal pairs (13-15, 21), with a preponderance of individuals with increased hemomorph (-/-) frequency in highlanders. The following questions are discussed: (1) the possible selective value of chromosomal Q-heterochromatin material in the adaptation of human populations to extreme environmental factors, in particular to the high-altitude environment of Pamir and Tien-Shan; (2) the existence of intraracial heterogeneity in Mongoloids living in different ecological zones; and (3) the possible taxonomic value of Q-variant inversion in chromosome 3.

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